I code, draw, paint, make music and hang out on the internet:
I coded this in Textmate 1.5 on a 2.26 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo Mac Mini using Transmit 4 as the primary FTP client.
The font is Yanone Kaffeesatz Extra Light and is provided by the Google Font API.
The interaction has been greatly improved with the aid of jQuery 1.4.2 along with the SimpleModal plugin by Eric Martin.
I do plan on using Expression Engine for the forthcoming journal. As well, I plan on switching over wholesale to HTML5 in the short future.
This site looks best in browsers with the Webkit layout engine. It looks slightly crappier in Gecko Web browsers. If you're using IE, best of luck. I plan on doing some mobile friendly stuff in the near future.
All content on this site, unless otherwise noted, is published under a Creative Commons License. I haven't really done anything original here; but If you do decide to copy anything outright, let your users know you got it here: http://jonstovall.com.
I'm a designer, musician and artist living in San Antonio, Texas. I've been doing Web stuff for years — desktop publication, even longer. I'm currently employed at the best grocery store on Earth. I like beer a lot. I've never made a monogram or logo for myself... I never shall.
Frankly, I got tired of looking at it. I wanted to try some new things too. I'll be working on bringing all the old content in soon. If you'd like to look up some old stuff, here you go. (NOTE: that old site's falling apart due to data migration. Good luck.)
When I do pull in the old content, I'm gonna use the same rss feed.
I'll be adding some additional information on what the site's about and what I'm about later, so stay tuned.